Our first shoe, the Alma, was shaped by the feedback of an all-female run study we conducted prior to launch. Over the course of 6 weeks and 22 runs, 60 women (of all ages) tried and tested different prototypes. The data we collected from each survey helped us improve the shoe for comfort and performance—and it inspired us to release 3 models to accommodate different types of running workouts.
In addition to our all-female run study, Hettas has published a literature review and secured a three-year partnership with a university lab to research the relationship between female physiology and running.
The female body undergoes significant changes throughout the lifetime: second puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, peri-menopause, and menopause. Part of our purpose is to research these changes in relation to running, so that women can get answers to questions that have been historically ignored or deemed unimportant.